Saturday, December 8, 2007


In about 11 days, the Chuxx will reconvene in Kansas City to begin work on our 19th album, which is (so far) unnamed. There is a motion on the floor to call the album Mustardy -- as in...

"We biked through Mustardy to get some real mustard, not that yellow baby shit they sell to American tourists in Dijon."

Thanks to Skap for that brilliant usage of the word in a sentence. We've never had a single-word title, so that makes it an alluring title to us. I'm sorta partial to The Usual Underwear & Bibles or A Planned Moose in Sweden. But Mustardy would be okay with me too.

Our attempt with Album #19 is to finish it by Xmas 2008...or Summer 2008 by the latest. We'll see how we do. I've got about a dozen songs pretty much ready to go for this album already. So, if we stay focused and fairly organized, we should be able to accomplish it.

More updates to come...


Fowler Jones said...

You guys should go out for a beer after you finish recording and invite me.

Foz the Hook said...

Not a bad idea. If it wasn't for beer we wouldn't know how to use "Mustardy" in a sentence.

Steven said...

Fowler, you ought to come join us for one of our sessions. Maybe this Saturday?

Fowler Jones said...

Sounds like fun. Call me!